struct CrystGLFW::Event::WindowKey


A WindowKeyEvent is generated by the Window#on_key callback and contains a Key along with an interface to determine what action occurred with the key.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module CrystGLFW::Event::Modifiers

alt? alt?, control? control?, shift? shift?, super? super?

Constructor methods inherited from struct CrystGLFW::Event::Any

new new

Instance Method Detail

def key : CrystGLFW::Key #

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def press? #

Returns true if the key was pressed. False otherwise.

window.on_key do |key_event|
  puts "a key was pressed." if

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def release? #

Returns true if the key was released. False otherwise.

window.on_key do |key_event|
  puts "a key was released." if key_event.release?

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def repeat? #

Returns true if the key was held down. False otherwise.

window.on_key do |key_event|
  puts "a key was held down." if key_event.repeat?

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def window : CrystGLFW::Window #

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