struct CrystGLFW::Window::Cursor


A Cursor represents a GLFW cursor and can either use a custom image or a system-default shape as its likeness.

Cursors are created indirectly through windows, and are therefore always associated with a Window.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def in_window? #

Returns true if the cursor is in its window. False otherwise.

if window.cursor.in_window?
  puts "The cursor is in its window!"
  puts "The cursor is somewhere else"

NOTE This method must be called from within a CrystGLFW#run block definition.

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def position : NamedTuple() #

Returns the position of the cursor relative to its window.

cp = cursor.position
puts "The cursor position is located at (#{cp[:x]}, #{cp[:y]}) relative to its window."

NOTE This method must be called from within a CrystGLFW#run block definition.

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def position=(pos : NamedTuple()) #

Alternate syntax for #set_position.

# Set the cursor position to the top-left corner of its window.
cursor.position = {x: 0, y: 0}

This method accepts the following arguments:

  • pos, the desired coordinates of the cursor's position.

NOTE This method must be called from within a CrystGLFW#run block definition.

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def set_position(x : Number, y : Number) #

Sets the cursor's position relative to its window.

# Set the cursor position to the top-left corner of its window.
cursor.set_position 0, 0

This method accepts the following arguments:

  • x, the desired x coordinate of the cursor.
  • y, the desired y coordinate of the cursor.

NOTE This method must be called from within a CrystGLFW#run block definition.

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def window : Window #

Returns the cursor's window.

# Get the cursor's associated window.
window = cursor.window

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