struct CrystGLFW::Monitor::GammaRamp


A GammaRamp object wraps an underlying GLFW Gammaramp and exposes its attributes.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def blue : Array(UInt16) #

Returns an array of values that describes the response of the blue channel.

monitor = Monitor.primary
gamma_ramp = monitor.gamma_ramp

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def channels : NamedTuple() #

Returns the response values of each channel.

monitor = Monitor.primary
gamma_ramp = monitor.gamma_ramp
channels = gamma_ramp.channels
red_response = channels[:red]
green_response = channels[:green]
blue_response = channels[:blue]

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def green : Array(UInt16) #

Returns an array of values that describes the resposne of the green channel.

monitor = Monitor.primary
gamma_ramp = monitor.gamma_ramp

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def red : Array(UInt16) #

Returns an array of values that describes the response of the red channel.

monitor = Monitor.primary
gamma_ramp = monitor.gamma_ramp

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def size : UInt32 #

Returns the number of elements in each color array.

monitor = Monitor.primary
gamma_ramp = monitor.gamma_ramp

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